Zach Facts

15 Months

Dear Z,

Today is your 15 month mark! Where has the time gone? You’re a big boy for sure, exploring your independence more and more each day. We had your 15mo appt earlier this week and you’re growing so strong, praise God! Check out your growth percentile summary:

Wt Readings from Last 3 Encounters:
04/22/13 11.85 kg (26 lb 2 oz) (88.45%*)
01/28/13 10.334 kg (22 lb 12.5 oz) (70.09%*)
10/22/12 7.938 kg (17 lb 8 oz) (15.56%*)
Ht Readings from Last 3 Encounters:
04/22/13 0.806 m (2′ 7.75″) (70.91%*)
01/28/13 0.775 m (2′ 6.5″) (73.16%*)
10/22/12 0.73 m (2′ 4.75″) (67.60%*)
HC Readings from Last 3 Encounters:
04/22/13 47.6 cm (18.74″) (71.09%*)
01/28/13 47 cm (18.5″) (73.80%*)
10/22/12 42.5 cm (16.73″) (1.94%*)
It’s amazing to see your growth in numbers, especially your weight – 15% at 9 months to 88% at 15 months, holla!
<<Zach Facts>>
  • You say about 4 words (ball, dog, “baobao” (hold me in chinese), uh-oh) consistentlyΒ 
  • Taking one nap now! But it’s only an hour long…I guess we’re in a weird transition period. Hopefully you’ll nap longer soon
  • YOU ARE ALWAYS BUSY!! NONSTOP craziness around here πŸ™‚
  • You love to eat, all day everyday
  • You can identify your head, ears, nose, teeth, tongue, belly button on command
  • You always surprise us with how much you understand what we’re saying to you
  • You LOVE playing with balls…esp basketball!
❀ you to the moon and back,

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11 Months

Hi Z!

You turned 11 months yesterday, on Christmas! πŸ™‚ I was so busy running around I forgot to write your monthly update. You’ve been developing so quickly these past few months and this past month was no exception. As your one year birthday is approaching, mommy has been quite nostalgic of the past year. I frequently browse through photos of you on my phone starting from the day you were born. I thumb through 600-or-so photos just in awe of how much you’ve changed. I can’t believe you were so teeny tiny not that long ago. I love you more and more with each day and my heart melts when you crawl towards me saying “mama”.

<<Zach Facts>>

  • You’ve taken your first few steps! 4 is the most you’ve done! My bet is that you’ll be walking before your first birthday. You walk by yourself on your little tikes push & ride racer car.
  • You’re cruising, crawling, everywhere! You especially love Mighty’s food bowl which I constantly have to say “no no”
  • I sense that you understand the word “no” a lot more than you did before because you now look at me when you know you’re going to do something wrong.
  • You can wave hi, clap your hands, “jem jem” (korean for opening and closing your hands), and “man-seh” (korean for hip hip horray!). You’re learning so quickly these days.
  • Β You’re sick again but you’re happy despite your congestion.
  • Your unofficial weight is around 21 pounds. Getting CHUBBY.
  • Napping twice a day. Still 12 hours at night, hallelujah.
  • You are fully weaned!!!

Ten Months

Dear Baby Z,

I have two months left to legitimately call you “baby” as you’ll soon enter toddlerhood, but you’ll always be a baby in my eyes. I can’t believe you are ten months! I’ve been telling your daddy how I’ve been seeing you more and more like a little person and less like a baby each day. Your will is becoming stronger (both good and bad, hah!), your personality becoming more evident, and your joy so much more contagious. I still can’t get over how cute you are and I don’t think I ever will. Every night before bed, I tell your dad…”Zach is SO cute!! GAH!” probably because my heart is overflowing with your cuteness. It’s out of control. I love you πŸ™‚

<<Zach Facts>>

  • We flew down to Socal for your FIRST Thanksgiving πŸ™‚ You did awesome on your flight and also had lots of fun at both of your grandparent’s house πŸ™‚
  • You had your first haircut!
  • You are officially cruising πŸ™‚ The longest you held your balance was about 10 seconds!
  • You’re army crawling but you hate crawling. You always want to be on your feet. We think you’ll start walking before you officially crawl.
  • Don’t know your official weight/height but you’re getting pretttty chunky πŸ™‚

Nine Months

Hi Baby Z,

Happy nine months!! 3/4 of the way on becoming a whoppin year old, that’s cray-cray yo! On your 9 month “birthday” we are going to your daddy’s work where they will have Googleween for kids! (will post pics later) IF you’ll wake up from your nap that is! Hurry up kiddo, we’re gonna be late! πŸ˜› I’m looking at you sleeping in “child’s pose” with your butt sticking up in the air as I type this post. So cute. YOU are so cute – the love and gift of my life! (besides daddy, of course :P)

<<Zach Facts>>

  • Weight: 17 pounds 8 oz (16% – a HUGE improvement!), Height: ~29″ (67%)
  • YOU ARE FINALLY SLEEPING THROUGH OUR NIGHT! Yes, that deserves ALL caps. You’ve been “STTN” for awhile now (technically that means 6hrs consistently at night), but mommy and daddy still had interrupted sleep since you went to bed at 7:30pm. Now you sleep a beautiful 11.5hrs from 7:30p-7a. I never thought I’d see this day!
  • Β You went to your first Cal Game.
  • We took you to your first pumpkin patch at Ardenwood Historic Farms.
  • You are now 50% weaned from breastfeeding! You get 2 bottles (8oz) per day and 2 breastfeedings (1st and last meals). 4 liquid feedings feel so much more manageable than the 6 you were doing. You’ve been eating 3 solid meals a day in addition, so you pretty much eat all day!
  • Not quite crawling yet, but you’re almost there.
  • Starting to find your own balance on your two feet. You love to stand more than anything!

eight months

Happy eight months, baby! Eight sounds like a big number to me, what do you think? I remember when other babies were eight months and you were only three, those babies seemed so much older and developed. But it’s funny that mommy thinks you’re still a wittle tiny baby even though you’ve come so far! I guess you will always be my baby even when you’re 18 πŸ™‚ hehe..=) This month has been such a joy watching you grow more into your personality. Daddy and I think you are introverted and observant. Whenever we are out and about, you love to take everything in and often times you look so serious in your thoughts. I wonder what goes on in your little head of yours πŸ™‚ You’re definitely happiest at home and save the biggest smiles for mama (and mighty). Your smile is so infectious and it especially melts my heart when you smile with your eyes. Mommy is striving to be better each day to help you grow well in a way that suits you. I know I fall so short each day, but I am thankful for God’s grace that pulls me through. Love you, sweet boy.

<<Zach Facts>>

  • We had our first family weekend getaway in South Lake Tahoe – you loved the ocean waves! And you were so intrigued by the sand. (see pics!)
  • You’re officially a good sitter! You still occasionally topple over, but you can hold your center pretty well.
  • We’re practicing your crawling skills. Mama puts puffs in front of you and you get so excited you start doing the beached whale. Then I use my hands as a baseboard for your feet to push on and you take off like nobody’s business.
  • Sleeping 10+ hours at night. Technically sleeping through the night, but still not sleeping through our night as you still wake at 5:30am for a feeding. Thankfully you go back down till a more reasonable hour to officially start the day. πŸ˜›
  • You FINALLY doubled your birth weight. THANKFUL!
  • I can feel your bottom teeth coming in! I was feeding you some bananas and felt something sharp in your mouth the other day! How exciting. πŸ™‚

Seven Months

Hi Baby Z,

Happy seven months!! I have a feeling that back half of your first year will go by much faster than the front half. We are in for an exciting ride! You’re growing up too quickly, son. I love you so so much!

<<Zach Facts>>

  • You’re stretching yourself to reach and grab for things in front of you more so now…especially mommy’s iPhone πŸ˜‰
  • You like to tug and pull at any type of strings, your favorite is playing with the blinds
  • You’re eating solids like a champ! You have too many favorites to list but lets just say you like pretty much everything you’ve tried! We are up to 3 meals a day! (In the nursing world, you are still nursing 6-7x a day, oh dear!)
  • Still very much into your feet and toes, yummy.
  • Sleeping consistently 9-10hr at night, PTL! But question is, how can we get you to wake up past 5am? πŸ™‚
  • You love being propped up to stand on your own two feet. You flap your armsΒ emphatically which is your way showing excitement. You’ve also been “screaming” with glee.
  • Your favorite game to play is chase with mighty…aka mommy holding you while chasing mighty…quite a work out I’d say!

Six Months

Dear Baby Z,

HAPPY SIX MONTHS!!!!!!!!!!! =) Congrats, you are officially half a year old! That’s just insane in the membrane. The past six months have been SO crazy filled with new adventures, experiences, sweet moments, and yes even some pull-my-hair-out crazy days. I hope you’ve enjoyed your first six months of life as much as I have…and it just keeps getting better. As I see you developing right before my eyes I’m often reminded of my greater calling to raise you up to know the Lord and his goodness which is such a high task…way harder than losing sleep and changing diapers. My humble prayer is that I would be successful at just that one worthy call and anything beyond that will be icing on the cake.

<<Zach Facts>>

  • You started eating solids!!! It has been SO fun. =) So far you have tried bananas (you love) and avocados (not as thrilled)
  • You’re a ton more responsive, smiley, talkative, and vocal…you also have this infamous teradactyl call
  • You started getting clingy a bit!
  • We’ve been working on night weaning, not quite there yet. However you did your longest stretch ever last night – 9.5hrs! You still nap 3x a day
  • We moved you to your big boy bath tub and out of the puj tub. First you were scared of the big boy bath but now you’re doing great!
  • You love sleeping on your tummy now. I look back at the days you used to be swaddled and it’s so weird how you’re so free and mobile now.
  • No teeth yet, but tons drooling.
  • We traveled to Socal for the second time, but this time by car. Each trip was 9 hours (so brutal), but you did well! Daddy and I think we want to fly from now on. lol

Love you, boo boo.

Five months

Dear Sweet Z,

As I was writing out the title for this month’s post I found myself typing “Four…(backspace backspace backspace)…Five months!” It’s that unbelievable that my little guy is already five months. This month has been nothing but pure joy, seeing you smile each day and hearing you laugh more and more. Your smile literally melts my heart and your laugh is the sweetest sound! I’m so grateful that I get to share these moments with you and many more throughout the day that no one can ever take away from me. I hope you don’t mind that I smother you in kisses and hugs. =) Mommy is thankful to GodΒ for you each day as you are such a precious gift to me.

<<Zach Facts>>

  • You enjoy sleeping on your side a lot! Sometimes I see you sucking on your thumb too which is so cute.
  • You have been busy practicing your rolling skills and you can roll both tummy to back and back to tummy! Good job πŸ™‚
  • You’ve been honing in your grabbing skills and I see your improvement each day.
  • I love it when you get chatty, you have the cutest little voice. Some say it’s a little husky. You like to talk to your toys, your hands, and your imaginary friends lol.
  • You’re sleeping better this month, 5-6 hours the first stretch then I feed you once in the middle of the night (MOTN) and you wake at 7am. Hopefully with solids next month you will be able to go without the MOTN feed.
  • You’re napping better too, the 45 minute intruder has left us! YAY πŸ™‚ You dropped a nap to 3 times a day.
  • You love running errands with mommy. Our favorite spots are TJs and Target …or is it just mommy’s favorite? πŸ˜‰
  • I love seeing your friendship with mighty blossom. You look at him so endearingly..and reach out your hand so he can lick you. Best buds.
  • Mommy finally found a product that has been helping your eczema, Cetaphil cream! It’s getting better, but your ears still need a bit TLC. Cradle cap is a LOT better but still have a few patches here and there.
  • You’re nursing faster now, about 10 min! Much faster than the 30-40m you were doing last month!
  • You attended your first wedding ever! πŸ™‚
Daddy says you’re such a ham in this picture πŸ˜‰ I can’t argue with him!

Four Months

Dear Baby Z,

You are FOUR months today, can you believe it? Every month gets sweeter and sweeter as I see you maturing and developing. I thank God that I can be your mommy and am so lucky to have so many special moments with you. One of my favorite times is when you fall asleep on me after a meal. I selfishly let you fall asleep after a feeding from time to time even though books technically don’t recommend it…whatever! πŸ™‚ I know one day you’ll be so busy running off doing big boy things that you won’t sit still in my arms so I cherish every second, minute, hour that you’re in my arms. I can stare at your sleeping face, long lashes, and slightly opened mouth all day long. =)

<<Zach Facts>>

  • Weight: 13lbs 4oz (18%),Β Height: 28.5 in (76%) – lean & tall!
  • You are definitely talking a lot more and your new thing is screaming. It’s a happy scream, but boy can it get loud! Especially when you decide to scream and coo in your crib happily at 6am. You will always be my alarm clock.
  • You are reaching and attempting to grab your toys! When I see you focus so hard to grab your toys, I’m reminded that you really do have to learn everything from scratch. Something so seemingly easy as grabbing an object is completely new to you, just like everything else.
  • You’re drooling, but I still haven’t put a bib on you. You’re not quite at the point where your shirt gets completely soaked so I’m holding off.
  • Sleep has been really hard for all of us this month. Mommy thinks traveling to socal has messed with your rhythm because before we left you were doing 6-7hr stretches and after we returned you have been sleeping anywhere from 3-6hrs for your first stretch. No worries, we’ll get there when you’re ready πŸ™‚ You still nap 4 times a day.
  • You smile so much more now and it melts my heart every.single.time.
  • You definitely recognize me as mommy, or maybe a milk machine πŸ˜‰
  • You’re learning how to roll over and can go from back to tummy with a little bit of mommy’s help and you can do tummy to back all by yourself.
  • We hear you giggle and chuckle which is soooo cute.
  • You’re constantly sucking on your hands/fingers. Smack smack smack.
  • You constantly wiggle or pivot around your crib. Often times you hit your head on the crib railings, ouch.

I love you so much bubs. =) Really looking forward to what’s in store this upcoming month.

You’re taking interest in your new toy, Sophie πŸ™‚

Three months

Hi baby Z,

It’ll probably feel as if time is passing too quickly each time I write your monthly updates…because it really is! You are looking more and more like a little boy, son. You are officially no longer a newborn so welcome to infancy! There are moments I wish you could reach certain milestones more quickly but at the same time I wish you would take your time growing up. I often look back at the pictures I took of you during your first few weeks and get so nostalgic. It leaves me wishing that time would slow down, but I should try to remember to cherish your presence everyday!

<<Zach Facts>>

  • You are more aware of our faces and you stare at us very intently. You track our movement and can see further distances now.
  • When daddy leaves for work you give him a smile =)
  • You finally noticed Mighty! You smiled at him too. You don’t seem to notice when he licks you though and boy does he love to lick your little hands and feet. He really wants to get in your ears but I stop him, don’t worry.
  • You stopped crying when we take you out of the bath, yahoo!
  • Your recent discovery is your hands. You stare at them forever before falling asleep. And you are starting to suck on them!
  • You like looking at yourself in the mirror, I wonder if you recognize yourself. I doubt it, but if you do I hope I’m not teaching you to be vain.
  • Generally, you enjoy tummy time but mommy has to be better about getting you to do it more often πŸ˜‰
  • Mommy’s favorite moments with you are when we “talk/coo” and when you smile at me, it melts my heart.
  • You insist on staying awake during walks now instead of falling immediately to sleep.
  • When you’re throwing a fit, you arch your back, stiffen your body, and stretch out your legs. oh dear.
  • You eat every 3 hours, for 30-40 min and you wail when I unlatch you when I know you’re just suckling. you love to om nom.
  • Night sleep average is 4-6 hours your first stretch and you did your first 8 hour stretch this month, but only once so far!
  • You nap 4 times a day anywhere from 30 min to 2 hours. You are pretty predictable with your naps which is nice and I put you down fully awake and you can fall asleep on your own.
  • Still have some cradle cap and baby acne, hoping it will go away soon as the doctor says!
  • Your new thing is blowing spit bubbles which leads to drooling. Guess we’ll have to bib you soon.

I love you, baby.

πŸ™‚ Mommy