Self Restraint


I’ve probably mentioned once or twice that you’ve always been an “all in” kind of guy, both emotionally and physically. There’s no holding back with your emotions whether you’re super excited or sad. It’s a quality of yours that brings us much laughter but also can be difficult at times to help guide you through the rollercoaster of emotions. There are so many times when you try to express your joy to your friends/family but your over-enthusiasm coupled with your brute strength doesn’t always result in a mutual match. For instance, when you’re happy to see someone you tackle hug them and often times they cry once they start to feel your weight. It must confuse and even sadden you that your excitement can unintentionally leave someone else in tears. The ironic thing is that you never do anything maliciously and if anything, you have the sweetest spirit. You’re just so strong bud, even grown ups like daddy and me often get hurt 😛

I got a helpful tip from one of my friends who is also in touch with her emotions and often relates to you a lot even though she’s closer to my age than yours. She told me instead of telling you not to do something, I should suggest another way to show your emotions. Because if I tell you to simply stop being rough (the way I see it) you may interpret that as me asking you to stop being yourself, since from your perspective you’re simply being affectionate. I’m trying to help you express your emotions in a way that would be well received by those who do love you but wish you’d be a little more gentle. My friend’s tip makes sense because often times it confuses me when you start whining when I pick up your crying sister after you’ve been rough housing trying to love her. Shouldn’t she be the one upset, not you? But I realize you’re sad because your affection feels rejected when I take her away.

Anyway, on to the point of my ramblings. We’ve been preparing for a family reunion in Las Vegas and for the first time we were going to be on the same flight with your cousin. I knew that you would be excited to the max. Leading up to the trip we talked to you about a more gentle way to greet your cousin at the airport since just a couple days ago he cried after your infamous bear hug turned tackle episode. I suggested a high five would be nice and you can use yours words to say “I’m so excited!!!” Well the moment finally arrived when we saw your cousin running up to our gate and I saw you run over to him with glee. I didn’t expect to see what happened next. I saw you exercise self restraint, hold up your hand….for a HIGH FIVE. I was so proud of you because you totally remembered. Everybody was happy and tear free!!! You did it!


Love you bud,


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